Drawing Brandon Schaefer Drawing Brandon Schaefer

Is It Too Late to Start Drawing?

Do you feel like you’ve missed your chance to start drawing?

Maybe you feel that you should’ve started years ago and that if you did, you’d be great by now.

Maybe you think you’re too old or too far behind to start now.

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Painting Brandon Schaefer Painting Brandon Schaefer

Overcoming the Fear of Painting

I've had many artists over the last few years of my time on YouTube contact me with questions and concerns regarding fear and painting. Most of them were fearful to even begin a painting at all. They would tell me that the blank canvas was intimidating and they were afraid of not creating a great painting, so instead of giving it a go - they never started. This type of fear and level of perfectionism can be quite damaging to your art career or journey. I'd like to give you a few tips to help you overcome this fear so you can start creating and progressing with your art.

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