Taking a Break is Vital for Creating Art
We are programmed by society to think that taking a break is not productive to creating anything and that we should work non-stop, but upon further inspection you will see how valuable it may be to take a break from your work.
From time to time, I become uninspired to create and when I try to push on through and work anyway - I find myself getting so frustrated when it isn't going exactly how I might have planned. This results in wasted time and negative emotions towards what I love to do, which isn't healthy. So, when this happens to me I take a break. Sometimes all I need is a short break lasting only a few minutes to an hour, then I get back to working on the painting with fresh eyes. Other times, my break can last a few days to even as long as a month. This recently happened when I traveled across the country back in September. I spent most of August packing up my belongings and planning the week-long trek and honestly didn't have the energy, mentally or physically, to want to work on any paintings. I spent most of the journey taking photos and videos, documenting all that I saw so that I would have a lot of inspiration when the day would come that I would be settled in and start painting once again.
I found that this break has helped to not only improve my work as a whole, but also how I think and go about creating my work. I am able to be more patient while creating a painting, and I do a lot more in terms of planning and pre-painting stages.
Here are some things to do while taking a break that can help to improve your work:
Go outside. Getting back to nature can be a huge inspiration.
Look at some of your favorite artist's work - Dissect it
Read GREAT BOOKS from Great Artists
Read some stories. Using your imagination to envision scenes can supercharge your creativity.
Do an activity you enjoy! Get into a pattern of positivity and joyful thoughts.
Laugh. Watch something funny - Laughter is the best medicine.
Meditate. Sit in silence for a while.
Take a walk. Find the beauty in everything you see.
Clean your workspace/living area. Clutter can add to stress which makes it harder to work.
Eat cleaner. Try a whole day of nothing but fruit/vegetables and juices. Clear your mind.
Draw more often. Buy a sketchbook and start sketching what you see.
Try different mediums. Anything from markers to pastels and beyond, give it a go!
Always remember that painting should be for fun and enjoyment first and foremost.
Think about what you want to express in your work and how you want the viewer to feel upon seeing your work.
Yoga and exercise. Reduce your stress levels and increase your health!
Those are just some of the things that I do from time to time to help me get back on track when I feel I am falling off the tracks of creativity. I hope that this list was helpful to you and that it will inspire you to live a more balanced life while creating a painting. Do your best in every moment - don't give in to the pressures of society to work your health away, it just isn't worth - so work smarter, not harder!

I am an artist, writer, and instructor. As a previous graphic designer for a healthcare management business, I now teach drawing, painting, and discovering your passion with art.
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