Still Life Painting Experiment with Light Temperature


I painted the same still life 5 times with different lighting and canvas sizes. I probably could've painted this with more drastic changes, such as moving the light source to the right, etc.. but I felt these subtleties would be more interesting and consistent. Also, I got sick of painting this still life, so 5 times was enough! Here's what I did:

#1 - 8x10 - Warm light 2700K bulb


#2 - 6x8 - Warm light 2700K bulb


#3 - 6x8 - 5000K bulb


#4 - 8x10 - Natural daylight


#5 - 5x7 - Warm light 2700K bulb


What I Learned/Observed

  • Different lighting situations alter color and harmony [obviously, but sometimes not so obvious or easy to observe]

  • Each painting is a new experience and calls for unique handling

  • Style is defined by a body of work, not by each individual piece alone

  • Size of the painting determines handling

Hope you enjoyed these experiments and seeing these paintings :)

Who is Brandon Schaefer?

I am an artist, writer, and instructor. As a previous graphic designer for a healthcare management business, I now teach drawing, painting, and discovering your passion with art.

When You’re Ready, Here’s How I Can Help You:

The Intuitive Drawing Course

Unlock your artistic potential and learn to draw with confidence using the Intuitive Drawing method. From your first sketch to creating realistic drawings and subjects.

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Understanding Light & Shadow - A Painter’s Perspective


Creating Paintings with Life Using Variation